When it comes to figuring out your wedding plans, there are a few different ways that you can approach the situation. First of all, you can go with typical wedding trends. You can think about whatever is traditional, conservative, and current comma and stop that. Or, you can go in the opposite direction and go way out on a limb to do something memorable. Ultimately, it has to deal with your personality type and the personality type of your partner.
So think about the different extremes when it comes to choosing a wedding or engagement type. There is the classic, vintage vibe that you can follow. Or, there is the quick departure where eloping seems to be the best bet for everyone. And lastly, there is the concept of slow and steady. Just because you love someone and want to be with them for a long time, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get married right away. Time is a viable option.
The Vintage Vibe
Very few people will tell you that there isn’t a good place for a vintage vibe in a wedding. If you choose to buy your bride to be a vintage engagement ring, you’ll be hitting all of the right spots in the checklist for memorability. You can also have a vintage wedding based on the other things that the two of you wear or the place that the wedding happens. The more conceptually together your design is, the better your result is going to be for all of your intrigued wedding-goers.
The Quick Departure
Another way to think about a wedding is to consider the possibility of a quick departure. In other words, take your partner and elope with them. Buy a plane ticket and scram. Take a train where no one will see you and where no one knows you. Lots of married couples have fantastic stories about eloping so that they don’t have the pressure of an official wedding with friends and family. They can always come back and have a party later, but the fact that they got married out on their own is a big deal to them.
Slow and Steady
There’s nothing wrong with waiting to get married. Some people will tell you that marriage is more about tax brackets than it is about love. If you are a believer in that, then you know there is no reason to rush into things. There is plenty of time to pick all of the critical details of your wedding out, and then let things happen naturally. If you’ve seen couples who have rushed through a wedding, you know that they don’t enjoy it as much as they should. Because of this, you should have no trouble with the idea of extending the timeline to where you and your partner both feel the most comfortable.
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